A sweet Caltrain ride
I’m sitting on the Caltrain listening to willow’s new album Willow. It’s 6:26pm and the sun is still bright in the sky. The clouds crawl over some hills, flowing tightly with the contours of the land, a scene usually reserved for proud mountains that are at least the human equivalent of being 6’5. These hills are like 5’4. There are also poofy clouds that are hugging the residential neighborhood located in a slight valley below. I feel like I’m looking directly at these clouds, at eye level, a scene usually reserved for airplanes when I’m sitting in a chair in a metal cylinder projecting thru the sky at a few hundred miles an hour. Instead I’m sitting on a chair in a metal cylinder crawling at probably around 75mph across old tracks and through tunnels. San Francisco feels like a city in the sky right now. Very cool. At a first order approximation, we think of our world’s scape as just land vs sky, a grand divide. Right now, that model doesn’t hold. 3-D space feels like going out, put on its best Friday outfit, and is flaunting all its features. Clouds of various shapes, densities, and opacities float across. Most of all, these clouds occupy the space that’s generally empty on most days. The pocket of space only 75 feet above some houses. A pocket of space only 200 feet above a park. Clouds that are more vertical in shape than horizontal, drawing a form where there usually is just air. I wonder if this is what the ocean feels like. Where a true z axis exists. Motion and matter of all kinds, moving not only on two 2-D planes like our world. These clouds also moved at various speeds. There’s a few further in the distance that seem to be zooming by, faster than those near me. Clouds further away usually seem to be moving slower because those distances are compressed when examining from far away. That means they have to be moving reeeaally fast and much faster than these clouds in front of me. With all of this, there doesn’t seem to be a gap between land and sky. Right now, the world feels like a cohesive whole, a blend that makes the above feel accessible. I feel like I shouldn’t be riding this train when I should be able to jump out and fly.